Park Güell 2 Weeks Late

So Park Güell was amazing and just like everything else on this trip, cannot be done justice by any photo! The entire park is decorated in trencadís- a type of mosaic created from broken pieces of ceramic and glass, made famous by Antoni Gaudi!

I set up the slideshows to take you through the Park starting from the entrance, up the Monumental Stairs to the Hypostyle Room, around the Portico of the Washerwoman and the wave like walkways, up to the Nature Square where trencadís benches encircle the square! We spent about 2 hours here wandering aimlessly. It was difficult not to fall asleep on the benches because the sun felt so good.

In addition to this park, there is another section of the park that is FREE! It is a nature park so no trencadís, but there is plenty of scenic lookouts. We came across a lot of locals selling jewelry and musicians. I fell in love with this one guy who was playing the handpans (yes, I paid €10 for his CD). His music was very soft and soothing, it made my walk through the park so peaceful.

At the top of the public park we found the best panoramic view of the trip.

Four Days in Barçelona
Four Days in Barçelona- I need a lifetime

Can’t wait to get back to Barcelona…in two weeks!

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